With less than two weeks til the highly anticipated sequel, "The Hangover: Part II," hits theaters, new footage has been revealed to the public in three new TV spots, unwrapping new plot details .
First, we find out that, once again, the confusion and carnage is the fault of group weirdo Alan (Zach Galifianakis). Whether roofies are involved remains to be seen, but the rest of the crew (Bradley Cooper's Phil and Ed Helms' Stu) most definitely have some impaired memories. Among other unfortunate new pickups.
Amongst them: the knowledge that Alan isn't very good with a gun.
There's also fresh footage of Mr. Chow Ken Jeong, who will obviously play an expanded role in this film. In fact, there was nothing he wouldn't do, the film's writing team told Entertainment Weekly.
"Ken would literally do anything," co-writer Ken Mazin told the magazine. "I honestly believe if we said, 'Ken, we actually need you to kill a human being in this scene for real,' he would do it. His enthusiasm is unbounded."
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