Sally’s fateful curiosity sets a very familiar haunted house story in motion. One day, while walking the ghostly grounds she discovers a hidden basement housing a Pandora’s Box of golem-like monsters. Cries and whispers start emanating from the darkness, and what first seems like an intriguing fantasy soon turns into Sally’s worst nightmare. A missing razor, shredded clothing, and billowing sheets are potent promises of violence to come, and Sally is often left alone to face her miniature tormentors with only her wits to fend off their advances. One cramped moment inside a bathroom is particularly brutal; Sally must battle a legion of creatures amidst a slippery tile floor and a host of sharp edged weapons, hinting at producer Guillermo del Toro’s brand of outlandish violence. Still, most of Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark lacks this kind of innovative severity and settles for inane jump-scares.
Nixey does display a keen sense of space during many of the interior scenes, lingering on the intricate set design for moody effect. Beautifully layered wood carvings define each wall, dimly lit stairwells seem to stretch on forever, and each antiquated room becomes a kind cob-webbed tomb for Sally. Pipes, vents, and doorways evoke the creepy anatomy of the house itself, swollen varicose veins potentially bursting with evil. But the leaden character conflicts (divorce, parenting, adolescence) are so overstuffed and obvious much of Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark turns into a tired merry-go-round of bitter arguments, blatant dismissals, and idle threats. When Alex and Kim do finally realize the figments of Sally’s imagination are knife-wielding devils hellbent on fulfilling some trite mythological prophecy, its far too late to take their cries for help seriously.
Don’t be Afraid of the Dark is co-written by Guillermo del Toro who teams with Mimic writer Matthew Robbins to rework of TV writer and producer Nigel McDeand’s 74-minute, 1973 teleplay for a TV movie.
It starred Kim Darby of 1969’s True Grit so how good could it be?
Don’t be Afraid of the Dark is done by first time director Troy Nixey who mimics — no pun intended — the lush cinematography and set-heavy directorial style of del Toro whose works include the Hellboy flicks and Pan’s Labyrinth, one of the best horror stories ever.
It’s a del Toro production and his style is stamped all over the picture. Admittedly the film is creepy. But creepy can only carry a movie so far. A so-so idea with almost nowhere to go is slowed down even more by the additional 25 minutes.
Style — in this case — overwhelms substance and an underwhelming plot.
Rated R for violence and mature themes. It opens Friday, August 26 at Regal’s Columbia Center 8 and at the Fairchild Cinemas 12.
Mr. Movie rating: 2 stars
5 stars/4 1/2 stars: Must see on the big screen
4 stars / 3 1/2 stars: Good film, see it if it's your type of movie.
3 stars / 2 1/2 stars: Wait until it comes out on DVD.
2 stars / 1 star: Don't bother.
0 stars: Speaks for itself
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